
  • Agency : CHE Proximity
  • Place : Australia
Advertiser :
  • Cochlear is a Sydney-based medical device company which is a global leader in implantable hearing solutions.
Objective / insight
  • 12% of Australians suffer some sort of hearing loss, this number is expected to double over the coming decades. As hearing deteriorates, it takes sufferers seven years on average to seek help. This delay leads to social isolation, loss of relationships, reduced quality of life, and an increased likelihood of depression and cognitive decline.
  • In 2017, the World Health Organisation found that early detection is critical to reduce social and emotional impacts.
  • Cochlear wants Australians to understand, identify and act on their hearing loss, before it’s too late.
Implemented strategy
  • Hearing loss is an “invisible disability”, thus, Cochlear’s strategy was to help people acknowledge their hearing ability by making things “visible”.
  • Cochlear released Hearprint, an online application that calibrate online video and music to the listener’s unique hearing ability.
  • Anyone can download the software as a Google Chrome extension to hear all their favourite online films, TV shows and music, with their unique sound calibration.
  • A dynamic Hearprint visualisation was generated for each person. This acted as a visualisation of their hearing which they could share via social media. For most, this was the first time they had ‘seen their hearing ability’.
Technology implemented
  • Based on a series of user inputs and working alongside audiologists and sound engineers, Hearprint identified four key frequency bands which are some of the most important for human hearing. It then defined parameters within each frequency band that can identify whether people’s hearing was deemed ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’.
  • Hearprint can be updated over time, giving Cochlear a direct view of how people’s hearing changes. Cochlear then uses this user generated information to identify the ideal time to have a conversation about their hearing.
  • 40,345 unique visitors to the campaign website.
  • 4,158 have set their Hearprint, giving Cochlear a view of their hearing ability.
  • 60% (2,512) of the Hearprints set to date have been identified as ‘abnormal’, indicating Cochlear could help.
  • 586 high-value leads are already talking Cochlear experts about the most relevant treatment path.


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